Rules & documentation

Rule amendments improve clarity, operational processes and alignment with existing standards

These changes took effect on February 10, 2025.

By-laws, rules, standards and procedure documents are integral parts of the legal framework of the national payment systems that Payments Canada is legislated to establish and operate. They lay out the roles, responsibilities and obligations of our member financial institutions on the appropriate handling of payment items exchanged, cleared and settled via our payment systems. This includes requirements for participation in a payment system or scheme, procedures for the processing of payment items, and the requirements and timeframes for returning payment items, where eligible.

Payments Canada’s rules, standards and procedure documents are updated regularly and versions posted online are in force. You can contact Payments Canada for confirmation by e-mail at

Item Title Updated System
Association By-law No. 6
Retail batch payment system, High-value payment system - Lynx, System by-laws
Rule 13
Suspension, revocation and reinstatement
High-value payment system - Lynx
Rule 4
High-value payment system - Lynx
Rule 7
Settlement queues and conditional release mechanism
High-value payment system - Lynx
Association By-law No. 9
High-value payment system - Lynx, System by-laws
Best practice
Uniform treatment of wire payments
High-value payment system - Lynx
Settlement exchange transaction (SET)
High-value payment system - Lynx
Procedures for foreign currency transfers within Canada
High-value payment system - Lynx
Procedures for claims and compensation for US dollar and foreign currency transfers within Canada
High-value payment system - Lynx
Rule 9
End of payments processing cycle
High-value payment system - Lynx
Rule 16
Remittance information
High-value payment system - Lynx
Quick Links - Lynx
High-value payments - Lynx system rules, procedures and by-laws
High-value payment system - Lynx