
CPA seeks nominations for its Stakeholder Advisory Council

You’re invited… to help shape Canada’s payments system!

The CPA invites stakeholder organizations to nominate individuals for membership on our Stakeholder Advisory Council (SAC), one of the most important channels through which the Association seeks input from the users of Canada’s payment systems.

SAC members represent the views of the CPA’s broad stakeholder base, including consumers, businesses, retailers, governments and related service providers.

Are you a candidate?

The ideal nominee effectively represents the views of its community of users or service providers, works cooperatively with other stakeholders with diverse perspectives, and actively contributes to the CPA’s Stakeholder Advisory Council.

The ideal nominee should have:

  • current responsibility for, or experience in, payment-related matters or financial operations;
  • a working knowledge of Canada’s payment, clearing and settlement systems; and
  • previous experience in representing a stakeholder community.

Nomination process

For more information on the Council, the nomination process and the criteria for appointment, consult the details of SAC Nomination and Appointment Process.

A completed nomination form, along with a curriculum vitae (CV) must be submitted for a nominee to be considered for membership on the Council.

Nominations must be received by noon on Thursday, December 31, 2015.

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