Payments Canada Accessibility Plan Progress Report 2023–2024



In accordance with the Accessible Canada Act (ACA), Payments Canada published its first Accessibility Plan in 2023 on Payments Canada’s website ( in support of the Government of Canada's goal to achieve a barrier-free Canada by 2040. This 2024 progress report highlights the progress made on removing the identified barriers from June 2023 to May 2024. 

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Payments Canada consulted with employees who identified as persons with disabilities in preparation of this progress report. To create an ongoing consultation process, Payments Canada established an Accessibility Advisory Committee that consists of persons with disabilities as well as representatives across the organization who are subject matter experts in each of the focus areas.

In addition to creating the Accessibility Advisory Committee, Payments Canada sent out a feedback survey to all employees to capture any barriers, or recommendations for improvement.

Payments Canada also engaged with external stakeholders to gain more insight on industry best practices. This was done through consultations at the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Crown Council round tables with the industry leaders, discussing findings, issues, strategies and opportunities to remove barriers surrounding accessibility. 

What we have learned

To keep responses anonymous, the focus of responses is on the areas of barriers identified in the ACA as opposed to responses by consultation method:


  • Employees feel there is a stigma associated with making accommodation requests
  • Employees feel colleagues are not well equipped to talk about disabilities

Built environment

  • Door security is not timed well for employees with mobility impairments
  • Information and communication technologies (ICT) 
  • E-learnings are too long, making it challenging to focus on for long periods of time
  • E-learnings are not inclusive of accessibility tools for persons with disabilities (e.g., colourblind)

Communication other than ICT

  • Payments Canada should consider a one-stop shop for updates, forms, news, policies and procedures related to accessibility

Other feedback

  • Consultation survey is too long and lacks clarity

Overview of progress

In June 2023, Payments Canada commenced the implementation of its 2023–2025 Accessibility Plan, which included:

  • Establishment of an Accessibility Advisory Committee.
  • Creation of a page on the intranet dedicated to accessibility, news, updates, important policies/procedures and to provide information on the feedback process in relation to accessibility.
  • Updating the feedback survey for ease and clarity to increase engagement.
  • Establishment of deadlines and identified accountable parties to address action items from consultations and survey feedback.
  • Completion of objectives aligned with our timeline of Payment’s Canada’s three-year action plan. 

Progress under the Accessible Canada Act’s seven priority areas


The process and grounds on which to request an accommodation are unclear.

Payments Canada reviewed our existing accommodation policy and procedures to ensure there is focus on diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.

The policy and procedures were published and promoted on the intranet for awareness.

Built environment

A focus on teaming and collaboration spaces has led to a lack of quiet, focus space for those with noise sensitivities.

We updated our Hybrid Workplace Model Policy to reflect the option to work from home when employees require a quiet space for work.


Interior circulation (e.g., hallways, locker areas, doors and doorways) are not accessible for those with mobility impairments.

We removed all obstacles that were impeding mobility around hallways, locked areas, doors and doorways such as boxes and furniture.

Information and communication technologies (ICT)

E-learning does not include accessibility elements.

We have added closed captioning to all our videos.

We have created an e-learning Accessibility Guide to collectively capture all changes that will be done to remove barriers with our e-learning.

Communication, other than ICT

Lack of organization-wide awareness around requirements for accessibility as it relates to communications.

Payments Canada’s website ( meets the recommended guidelines (WCAG 2.1 AA) for website accessibility. In addition, an assessment tool was added to the site to provide monthly accessibility reports to ensure alignment with the WCAG 2.1 AA and to identify remediation needs where necessary. No remediations have been identified for 2023–2024. 

The way we communicate, including asset development (eg., graphics, banners, brochures, etc), terminology, language and images we use, may not be inclusive of persons with disabilities.

Payments Canada performs an annual review of all communication assets, brand guides and style guides with considerations of persons with disabilities and accessibility needs of Payments Canada employees. 

Payments Canada's marketing and communications division has standards in place that consider accessibility in the creation of its communications assets, which are used and applied consistently.

Procurement of goods, services and facilities

Vendor contracts do not currently include accessibility criteria.

We have contractual commitments to adhere to applicable laws, which includes the ACA. 

Payments Canada created a vendor code of conduct, which requires compliance with “all applicable laws, rules and regulations”, including the Accessible Canada Act.

Design and delivery of programs and services 

Payments Canada is committed to engaging with persons with disabilities in the design and delivery of its services and programs. Barriers identified in this area are also applicable under other areas of section 5 of Accessible Canada Act and have been reflected in the identified barriers and action items where they were most relevant.


Payments Canada’s office buildings (leased spaces) lack readily available information regarding accessible ramps, curbs, elevators, crosswalks and sidewalks, and adequate vehicle design.

Payments Canada has created an accessibility page on its intranet to capture all news, updates, important policies/procedures and feedback process in relation to accessibility. Information regarding accessible ramps, curbs, elevators, etc. are shared on the accessibility page. 

Accessible parking availability varies between our office locations, and is not openly identified in communications to employees.

We have created an accessibility page on the intranet to capture all news, updates, important policies/procedures and feedback process in relation to accessibility. Information regarding available parking is shared on the accessibility page.


Payments Canada welcomes feedback on its Accessibility Plan to improve the accessibility of its services and practices. 

  • Email:
  • In person or by mail: 
    • Ottawa: Constitution Square, Tower II, 350 Albert, Suite 800, Ottawa, ON K1R 1A4 
    • Toronto: 145 King Street West, Suite 1005, Toronto, ON M5H 1J8 
  • Phone: 1-613-238-4173 

Anonymous feedback can be provided through Payments Canada’s accessibility feedback form

The Senior Diversity, Equity and InclusionI Specialist is responsible for receiving and reviewing feedback on behalf of Payments Canada. When sharing feedback, avoid sharing sensitive personal information, such as medical information or social insurance number. Any personal information shared is used and safeguarded in accordance with Payment Canada's Privacy policy.