
Payments Canada prepares for lively discussion at The 2019 SUMMIT

The Payments Canada SUMMIT explores a broad spectrum of issues and topics that influence the future of payments policy, products, services, and processing. The 2019 agenda is centred around six key themes: innovation, economics, protection, data, technology and access.

The 2019 SUMMIT Perspectives Survey is designed to collect the unique perspectives of our delegates and the wider payments industry on these six themes. Data collected will be consolidated and presented on the mainstage to guide, provoke and spark lively discussion and debate throughout the event. The final results will also be shared with participants post-conference and in various formats during the conference.

In preparation for last year’s SUMMIT, delegates were similarly asked to predict payment trends over the next year:

  • 91% of respondents predicted that cash use would decline in the following year, 41% said modestly, while 50% believed it would decline significantly
  • 40% felt that, compared to other industries including health, agriculture and transportation, the payments industry would make the biggest strides in blockchain technology adoption.
  • 40% of respondents believed Bitcoin would stay within $5,000 of the price at the time (CDN$12.3K on May 14, 2018), while 24% felt the price would swing past $10,000 of current price.
  • In regards to check-out-free retail shopping, such as Amazon Go, 65% felt it would arrive in Canada by May 2019.
  • 75% felt that open banking is coming to Canada, but not before 2020.
  • When asked if a company in the Canadian payments space would experience a breach of consumer data in the next year, 73% said yes.

We look forward to seeing how these results have evolved over the last year. Submit your answers for The 2019 SUMMIT Perspectives Survey and register now to see your views projected live on the mainstage:

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